官網 http://www.realgroup.se/


The Real Group真實之聲自1984年創團以來,以精緻的原創曲目聞名於世,介於流行、爵士及民謠的多元曲風,使得該團穩居無伴奏人聲領導地位,包括知名女高音芭芭拉‧韓翠克斯Barbara Hendricks、流行歌手范‧墨理森Van Morrison、George Martin、Bobby McFerrin以及Toots Thielemanns等樂壇傳奇人物都曾與The Real Group留下精采不滅的演出紀錄。

成立近20年來,The Real Group獲獎無數,於世界各地演出超過1,200場音樂會,賣出超過30萬張的CD,並被美國當代無伴奏合唱協會(CASA, Contemporary A Cappella Society of America)票選為全世界最佳無伴奏人聲團體。2000年專輯“Commonly Unique”於當年10月在北歐地區發行立刻衝進銷售排行榜前幾名﹔2001年2月榮獲瑞典葛萊美大獎,並於2001年春天在台發行﹔2002年The Real Group與瑞典著名的國際級指揮大師Eric Ericson合作,錄製22首瑞典經典民謠專輯”Stamning”,純淨自然的音色表現及細膩的詮釋手法,展現該團實力雄厚的演唱技巧及北歐精緻內斂的藝術品味,再次立該團於音樂界不敗之地。



2004年底為了修課需要還是一時心血來潮 到鋼琴社辦玩鋼琴 一個不認識的學弟推薦的

給我演唱會片段連結  (現在不確定能不能看噢...) 順便告訴我年底國家音樂廳有他們的演唱會  


聽現場好棒啊~~~~ T^T   soprano清徹甜美 alto柔和婉轉  tenor流暢自然 bass厚實有力 

而好玩的是 我聽那場演唱會時 和網路上的2001年韓國演唱會片段中 兩個女歌手的體型徹底相反

纖瘦金髮美女變豐滿褐髮女伶  圓潤熟女變窈窕淑女  而音質果然反映體型改變  

這就是為什麼知名聲樂家不會沒事改變體型 ....人體是個精密的共鳴腔啊~!! 

然後更嘆服的是 看他們現場唱出許多樂器的聲音  (不用懷疑 你現在聽到的 也完全無樂器伴奏)


五個人拿著麥克風在台上 卻有著樂團般的效果 <- 這就是a cappella迷人的地方之一啊~~~~




用media player 開啟url


很多首歌都很好聽 可是我偏愛substitute for live的開頭...

you love me and I love him, he loves her and she loves you, that's the way the story goes

you fool me and I fool him, he fools her and we fool you, that's the way the story goes

而且整首歌都很好玩 XD  

Substitute For Life.        music and lyrics by Anders Edenroth

* You love me and I love him, he loves her and she loves you

That's the way the story goes

You fool me and I fool him, he fools her and we fool you

That's the way the story goes *

(You're watching the .... you are here it is )

Lies don't substitute for life

Husband caught when he kissed the Pretty Girl

Wife just cried Friend just died

Boss took money took off with Secretary

Cops didn't care got their share

Driver stole some diamonds from Millionaire

Maid got blamed Judge got framed

Teacher married her long lost Half-Brother

Twins were nude both were sued

Enter Queen of TV Screen

* *

Next on Substitute for Life   (Stay tuned for more)

Neighbor has an affair with the Son in Law

Daughter is sad Mother is mad

Gangsters kidnap Movie Celebrity

Dogs find tracks stranger was back

Doctor finally fought for .....

Boys go gig girls can't say

Athlete leads his pregnant son of foal

All get killed you get thrilled

Enter Queen of TV Screen

* *

The story everybody knows

Episode one episode two

If you have nothing better to do

Episode three episode four

You've just got to see some more

Episode five episode six

Love and hate and dirty tricks

Episode seven episode eight

Don't answer the phone cancel your date

Let's hope you can cope with the dope called soap

* *




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