Lego Says It's Running Out of Toys for Christmas

 COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -- Children hoping to get Lego toys for Christmas may be in for a disappointment.

The Danish toy maker is having a hard time keeping up with demand for its popular plastic building blocks as toy stores stack their inventories for the Christmas season, company officials said Tuesday.

"Many of our most popular products are sold out," Lego spokeswoman Charlotte Simonsen said. "As part of efforts to restructure the company and focus on our core business, we had to make some cuts and the company has not had time to readjust its production."

Simonsen declined to say how many orders had been turned down, but said the restructuring changes had affected the production of Duplo bricks and boxes with Lego City, Star Wars and Lego Technik sets.

The Billund, Denmark-based group has been trimming its staff at home and abroad since starting a restructuring program four years ago. Part of its production and distribution has been moved to countries with lower wages than Denmark, including the Czech Republic and Mexico.

In 2005, Lego sold its four Legoland amusement parks in Denmark, Britain, California and Germany to the U.S.-based private-equity group Blackstone Capital Partners.

Boersen, Denmark's leading financial newspaper, estimated that Lego could lose 750 million kroner ($127 million) because of lost Christmas sales. But Mads Nipper, a vice president at Lego in charge of marketing, said that figure was too high.

"We don't know what the Christmas sales will be like until Christmas is over," Nipper said.

The group posted a net profit of 505 million kroner ($86 million) in 2005, compared with a net loss of 1.93 billion kroner in 2004, on strong sales led by its Bionicle line of snap-together creatures. 




真糟的產能不足啊 ....  看到一堆訂單進來卻沒人手沒物料去賺錢 真是件心痛的事

不過現在的樂高真的出了很多炫麗的系列  零件也越來越特別   前一陣逛街看到Bionicle系列還真有點傻眼 XD

逛了網站看一看 Bionicle賣得好也不是沒原因 

Lego創了六個英雄救世主  (擄獲童心point one) 

除了一貫的樂高 還推出卡漫與電玩  (這邊就通殺啦 !!)



有一個倒楣的Paradise -- Meta Nui   遭受所有想的到想不到的災難  

從黑暗勢力到生化蟲大軍到 打也打不盡 下集會再生的ooxx敵人

而在第一次災難 不知從何處出現的六個救世Toa   (已經先有個伏筆在 現在前傳很流行啊 絕不能一開始就交待清楚)

分別是 Fire, Ice, Air, Earth, Stone, Water  (金木水火土已經不夠看了)

他們不僅有超能力 而且戴上面具還可以升級!!    之後他們還發現自己失散多年的兄弟 Light  

(自然元素系列之後 再效法美少女戰士出行星系列 乾脆再出個化學週期表系列好了 XD )


生化人可以合體可以再生可以複製 可以有新伙伴新寶物新基地 災難永遠救不完   

這個天堂變成煉獄之後 敵人自己會找出下一片樂土  樂土變焦土之後  別處還有新樂園  新樂園變失樂園之後

另一邊還有百樂門  百樂門成羅生門之後  某個遙遠的地方還會有烏托邦 烏托邦化為烏合之邦以後  



總之樂高很好玩  不過都出了Harry Potter... 如果能跟Disney合作一定很棒吧

只要出公主城堡系列  保證搶下大部分女孩玩具的市場  (@ ̄▽ ̄)/


通常 "總之"這兩個字 都是用在被迫草草收場的時候 不管是時間不夠或是想不到要講什麼

今天是報告海還沒結束  總之 總之這兩字很好用啊 學起來 XD



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