Someday my prince will come

第一次聽到這首歌 是很久遠以前 仍被Disney洗腦 整天作王子公主夢的時候

一直以為這是Disney為Snow White量身訂作的歌曲 後來才知道其實是爵士經典老歌

王子與公主是否真能happily ever after?

想想happily ever after之後出現什麼 就明白啦

                                                                                  THE‧ END

the end of love and end of happiness, I guess

I don't expect that someday my prince will come,

I only want to fight for that one day my fortune will keep rolling in!!!!

There are NO princes and knights nowadays after all, and I'm NOT princess

I'm Miranda Presley, that's all     


Life is not all about money, I know, 

but life is full of money-concerning troubles, as everybody knows.

Freedom is not only control of self, as Rose Wilder Lane said, 

but also control of finance, as every financial expert says.

time to grow up, Ariel, you're not the carefree little mermaid wandering freely under the sea anymore.


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