目前分類:在這個隨性而狂野的年代 (188)

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常常作著一件需要長時間來完成的 事 想起還有另一件小事

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昨晚  吃過晚餐 看到桌上有包零食 拿起來看 


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  • Jun 14 Thu 2007 14:55
  • sky

記得以前  我好喜歡藍天 白雲 沙灘 大海 貝殼

那時候 書局有一系列的信紙 書籤 小卡 筆記 日記

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  • Jun 02 Sat 2007 19:22
  • unreal

everything looks unreal... it's getting worse and worse

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這實在是  ...太可愛了 XD  讓我想起高中唸文言文的時代~~

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一般而言 5 < 7 < 24 < 38

但在什麼情況下   5 =  7 =  24  = 38 ?

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我猜大概是他在翻譯外國作品時所觸動的想法吧?!  I don't know

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生病了  大概今年冬天太冷 我家太寒又潮濕   今年病徵比往年都嚴重

每年冬春交際一定會生病 會記這麼清楚是因為


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【聯合報╱王文華】 2006.10.31



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其實上面這是張清夜吃的東西的地圖  按下去還有店家照片和menu照片

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不是早睡 而是早起 

雖然六點半從床上起身 並非我昨晚睡前的本意 (明明鬧鐘是八點啊)

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Celebrate what turns you on

By Laurie A. Helgoe, Ph.D.

Special to Yahoo! Personals

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Ladies and gentlemen, please read Michael Shnayerson’s 12-step program for avoiding romantic tragedy: the relationship red flags. The heart you save may be your own.

Michael ShnayersonNot long ago, I met a very attractive single mother of two at a dinner party in Sag Harbor, New York. We were seated next to each other-a "soft" setup-and by dessert, we were punctuating our stories with little touches: her hand on my forearm, mine on hers. Good signs.


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畫六小時到天亮 累翻了直接趴床睡...然後 ..等下次放假回家再繼續 ╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭


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剛才看HBO  預告很多新春電影

從我最愛的基諾李維主演的"重裝上陣"  到重撥好幾次的王牌天神 

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The best interviewers on television, on radio or in print share a couple of sure-fire techniques for getting their subjects to open up and reveal themselves.

First, of course, they ask great questions. They put themselves in the place of the members of their audience. What would they want to know? And rarely, if ever, can the answer just be a "Yes" or a "No."

Second, during the interview, the best interviewers listen to their subjects. If a question prompts an intriguing answer, the interviewer pursues it. And, because they're such attentive listeners, they put their interview subjects at ease. They change their interviews into conversations.

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